I'm starting afresh with this post on BHIM UPI app recently launched by PM Modi. I tried my hands on with this app. If you haven't got it, download the app from here Like anyother UPI app it provides you with a virtual address ending with @upi, usually prefixed by your mobile number. You can optionally add alphabetical characters also. So I reserved my own address rajarajan@upi Since my mobile number is already registered with my bank it showed my bank account. Also I have an UPI pin already registered with my bank. If you don't have a MPIN, contact your branch or dial *99# from your registered mobile to get one. I tried sending money to my other virtual addresses created with Empower(Canara Bank UPI app) and Axis Pay(Axis Bank UPI app), but it's not recognizing them. Right now it only supports vpa ending with @upi. I'm curious to tinker with this app. If anyone is interested try transacting with me at rajarajan@upi I can foresee a great future for BHIM app ...
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one.