As a next step in Android App Development I leaped from simple layout with text(TextView) that says “Hello World” to a bit complex layout with Image(ImageView) and Menu features. It was amazing how everything in Android is coded in to XML. Java was required only to initiate the entire setup made in XML. So the functionality of my app is simple. Its a layout with a background color and with an image in it. I had a menu with two options to change the image and one option to change the background color. The final option is to trigger an dialog box(AlertDialog) and the dialog box will have a title, message and two buttons – one for resetting image and other for the background color. After completing the coding part, I compiled and ran the code in emulator. The app opened fine but I was unable to open the menu when I click menu button. No matter how hard I blew the menu didn't inflate (The method used to initiate a menu xml code is called as 'inflate'.) so I guesse...
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one.