By the time I pen down this post the deadline for submitting TNEA 2013 applications is over. The deadline was on May 20th, 2013. Anyway I’d like to mention a few points which would be handy for those applying for TNEA 2014 next year.
I was in a situation to apply for TNEA for my cousin exactly on the last date so I had learnt various methods of applying, which I would like to share now.
1. Applying by getting application from Sale Centres and Sending through mail
TNEA websites published the list of Sale Centres, from where you can directly buy the application by paying the entire application fee. (Hopefully there wont be much change in the centers list for TNEA 2014. Anyway its better to check later once again). You will be provided with envelope of A4 size containing Application form in OMR format, information brochure and an acknowledgement card. Candidates from places away from and outside Guindy, Chennai can get the application from nearest centers by directly paying the application fee (Rs,500 for general category and Rs.250 for SC/ST). Note down your application number which will be found on the envelope. The address field in acknowledgement card should be filled with your address. After filling all the info place the OMR sheet, acknowledgement card and other required photocopies and forms in the envelope and send it through post to The Secretary, Tamilnadu Engineering Admissions, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025. Don’t forget to paste the Stamps over the envelope. Alternatively you can directly submit the filled in application in Examination Center in Anna University, Chennai. In this case you need not enclose the acknowledgement card and also stamp is not needed apparently. The card will be directly sealed in the submission counter and will be returned to you. You can sort out to this procedure if you want to submit the application in last minute.
People living nearby Guindy, Chennai can directly buy the Application from Examination Center in Anna University and can fill immediately and submit on the same day.
2. Applying through online
As a pre-requisite for applying online the candidate should obtain a Demand Draft in favour of The Secretary (TNEA), Anna University payable at Chennai. Once you are ready with the DD proceed to the official TNEA website (which is for TNEA 2013) and navigate to the Online Application section. The user need to input all the required details as in filling OMR sheet. The user will be asked to enter the details of the Demand Draft also. After submitting the online form your application number will be automatically generated. The PDF file of your application will be generated which can be taken as a printout. In the printout sign in required places and also affix your attested passport size photograph in prescribed location. Also prepare the required photocopies and forms. Once done get a A4 sized envelope from Post Office. The first page of the printout of your form (which is addressed to The Secretary TNEA) need to be pasted over the envelope with a stamp affixed. Fill the other details accordingly. Like in procedure 1 you can directly submit the form in Examination Center in Anna University, Chennai.
In case if any further supporting document is needed TNEA will contact you through post.
Please carefully go through the information brochure for clarifications regarding filling up the TNEA form.
How to verify the status of your TNEA application?
Applicants can verify the status of their application in the below portal. All you need is your application number.
Hope this paints somewhat clear picture of the TNEA. If you have any query please feel free to comment.
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